Painting Directory



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France.gif Cairon, Sylvie
Expressionist paintings and drawings inspired by the complexity of human beings."
Belgium.gif Robin Eric
Painting 77 portraits of women, « Mothers of humanity », and emphasizing the traces of life on their faces. In a certain sense a mother has carried humanity within her ; she has suffered while giving birth. Often she becomes an impotent witness of mankind. As to me there’s a source of truth in this suffering, it’s like when all masks fall down …
Amorosart is an art portal dedicated to original prints by the galleries worldwide. You can find there original lithographs and etchings by the most important artist of the XX century.
None.gif Orazi Horace (Orazio)
The site, written in French, is presenting the artist and its pictorial works with guide-lines also in English, German, Spanish. The site works as a scientific-cultural monography and it is composed by: Note on the Artist and its works; Exhibitions; Galleries, with the paintings presentend according to pictorial periods; the crictical issues on the Artist are mentionned in the Galleries section. A note on the Artist
France.gif Collet Bernard
Long walks through space and time around the Mediterranean Sea. Wild nature before time, leaves and skies mixed. Figurative work (oils, pastels, collages, notebooks of voyage) in the respect of nature and the history.
France.gif ZABH
Peintures oniriques et intimistes,inspirations méditerrannéennes, hommage à l'enfance et à la féminité...
France.gif Frandsen Emile
This site dedicated to Emile Théododre Frandsen present 150 views of paintings, sculptures, poems. His biography in French and English describe the orginal work and life of this painter. His painting ,"La Fille au bouquet", illustrate the Eric Clapton Ablum, Layla (Derek and the dominos). The site include press articles (Palais des Festivals, Danish press... etc ...)
France.gif Segré Raymond
BEYOND THE HUMAN MASKS - works on canevas and paper featuring mostly faces, heads and nudes - Srangeness and Singularity, an Avant Garde Visionary Art.
Italy.gif Fossali Gino
The work of Italian painter GINO FOSSALI is shown in the site from the years of social engagement and neo-expressionisme of the 60, then the peripod called muyhological till the last called French There are also the graphic works. You can se his biography, the one-man shows and the collective ones. Also there are works of the most important exhibitions " The Pythia of Delphes(1998-1999) and the "Dionisiaca"(2003-2004)You can find Gino Fossali on GOOGLE and GOOGLE IMAGES
France.gif Alain Benedetto
huiles sur le vieux nice de jadis,le comte de nice,la provence,marines,natures mortes,scenes de basse cour,decors sur carrellage et ceramiques d'art entierement realise main
France.gif Robert Labor
Parcours initiatique dans l'Histoire de l'ART et EXPERIMENTATIONS
France.gif Giustinani Ghislaine
Ghislaine Giustiniani is a burgond painting artist. You may visit oils on canvas and watercolors on her site and known her next exhibitions.
France.gif Annie Gilbert
Découvrez le site internet d'Annie GILBERT, artiste peintre en Vendée. Présentation de ses tableaux avec les thèmes des personnages, de la côte et des îles et du Maroc.
Netherlands.gif Maarten J. Jansen
The paintings of abstract art
France.gif Guedel Pierre
Figuratif and surealist petry painter
France.gif Gen Paul
Specialist of Gen Paul, sale &
purchase of original works
France.gif Emesse
Figurative :
Drawings, oils and different techniques
Fine art gallery of abstract oil paintings for sale including landscapes,still life, portraits, flowers, nudes and more.
Romania.gif Abstract and Religious paintings by Ioan Popei
Browsing our online art gallery you will discover an impressive collection of religious icons and oil paintings for sale.
France.gif Alain SERRUYA
Alain SERRUYA - Artist painter, gifts, contemporary arts, sale paintings, art, painting course, watercolor, oil painting, reproductions, virtual art gallery, painting gallery, virtual exhibition, painter, painting, pictures, drawings, engravings, post, sc
United_States.gif Hubert Lopez Heredia
HUBERT LOPEZ HEREDIA Figurative at his beginnings, he is direc-ted little by little towards the abstract ex-pressionnism then towards to the informal art which allures he by his spontaneousness and to which there adapts new technique
Italy.gif Maria Pia Sapenza
Dream, soul and madness...In the original sign of the Artist.
Belgium.gif Bruegel Pieter the Elder
WebMuseum - Paris
Germany.gif CAGE - Cyber Art Gallery Eindhoven
One of the oldest and most famous galleries on the Internet.
France.gif Didier Deligne
Exhibition of drawings directly carved on paper, every processed subject creates its calligraphic commentary.
Russia Dmitry Filatov
Conceptual art, watercolor and oil.
United_States.gif Dubin Gallery
Dynamic,erotic and figurative.
Norway.gif Edvard Munch
WebMuseum - Paris
United_States.gif Emil Nolde
Spain.gif Fransisco Goya
Germany.gif Franz Marc
France.gif Galerie des reproductions
Copy of the great master.
France.gif Gauguin Paul
WebMuseum - Paris
Germany.gif Grunewald Mathias
WebMuseum - Paris
France.gif Gustave Moreau
WebMuseum - Paris
Germany.gif Jerome Bosch
WebMuseum - Paris
Russia.gif Kandinsky
WebMuseum - Paris
Russia.gif Kandinsky
Italy.gif Modigliani
WebMuseum - Paris
Italy.gif Modigliani
France.gif Paul Cézanne
WebMuseum - Paris
France.gif Paul Cézanne
Artchive (comments about 8 paintings)
France.gif Paul Cézanne
The Worldwide Art Gallery
Russia.gif Art-Helicon
Helicon gallery represents painting of modern Russian artists. Data base consists of 600 pieces of art by 53 artists. Data base is renovated regularly. You can purchase original painting/permission file required.
France.gif Paul Cézanne
France.gif Revil Rita
Visiter mes nombreuses huiles sur toile. Portrait, nu, paysage, alla prima, nature morte et copies des grands maitres Van Gogh, David.
Great_Britain.gif Sybren de Graaff
Oil paintings, watercolours, etchings and drawings, mainly of landscapes in the Himalaya, Yemen, Ireland and Brittany and free graphic works by the Dutch visual artist Sybren de Graaff.

